Technology at the service of your well-being
A little over a year ago (May 2019) we began to develop a business idea that was born as a solution to a major problem faced by Colombians: the low quality of the system and the long lines that arise when collecting the medicines that are prescribed by the doctor. On average, a person takes 4 hours doing this type of procedure, time that does not contribute any value to the person doing it, rather it generates a high load of stress and frustration.
Given these conditions, we created a messaging service in which we carry out this procedure for anyone and any EPS (health provider) in the country so that people can make better use of their time in activities that generate much more value for their lives and their environment.
During the past 9 months after creation, we were carrying out validations in the market, thoroughly understanding the problem and building the different web applications that would allow us to operate in an efficient and scalable way, this through different mentoring and acceleration programs, where we had achievements such as the best B2C.
(I invite you to enter our web app
I tell this story to show the context of the (unconscious) preparation that we were carrying out for what caught the whole world by surprise.
Medilabb’s services
From crisis to opportunity
With the expansion of the COVID-19 around the world, safety measures in all countries and particularly in Colombia were adopted in a quick way, which made it impossible for people to leave their homes and in this particular case not being able to claim their medications, in many cases vital for health.
Dispensaries (establishments that deliver medicines) took steps to counter the impact, however as a constant that has always been presented, the service is inefficient and the system’s failures were more visible than ever.
For Medilabb this became a great opportunity, in the first instance to promote and publicize the solution and second and much more important: contribute to the prevention and mitigation of the virus in our country.
This is why we partnered with Innpulsa ( and Fedesoft ( in the program “Es Ahora Colombia” to provide completely free of charge the first paperwork service where we claim prescripted medications or medical results and authorize appointments and medications to people over 60, who are the most "vulnerable" in this day and age.
With this initiative we have managed to impact and contribute to more than 200 families, taking their medications to the comfort and safety of their home.
I invite you to request or share this benefit in
Change factor
With everything that happened and the impact generated, we have been able to show how technology coupled with a purpose can significantly improve the way we live.
To close I’d like to make two invitations:
To all the users of the health system that we discover, use, and take advantage of new technological tools to improve our quality of life and time.
To all companies and entrepreneurs to always prevail the social impact in their business models, which will allow us to build better communities, cities, countries, and the ultimate goal: a better world!
Nicolas Bernal
CTO Medilabb
Colombia’s TrepCamp Ambassador