Let’s play Corona!
Hello guys! This is Tereza, I’m São Paulo’s TrepCamp Ambassador.
When we were kids and someone said to us: “What do you want to be when you grow up”? I’m sure NONE of us thought “a COVID-19 survivor”, right? I can imagine all the different answers to that, especially because kids are very creative but probably no one thought that in some 20 years after that we were playing this game. And it isn’t fun at all.
But since we have no other options, why not make the best to play with our interior kids? Why not have some cool time, enjoying new things? You have the possibility to use this time to reconnect with yourself and be a stronger, happier, and more confident person after all this pandemic situation ends. Sounds good right? And only for $99.99 dollars! JUST KIDDING, IT’S TOTALLY FREE!!!!
OK, you are NOT dreaming, my friend. So how can you do this? Let’s go with the coolest and longest and no sense at all (because not everything needs to be so serious all the time - actually not being serious is one of the best ways to give creativity some space - which is amazing for entrepreneurs like you that want to succeed) quarantine list to do:
- Don’t do anything
-Do a new project
-Finish and old project
-Plan new projects
-Talk with your family
-Drink water
-Talk with your Instagram followers (they have lives too, LOL)
-Eat delicious not healthy things
-Eat delicious healthy things
-Learn how to cook healthy things
-Laugh a lot
-Laugh more
-Netflix without chill
-Take good showers
-Read all this bookshelf you constantly makes bigger
-Talk with your dog
-Listen to podcasts
-Watch videos
-Make videos
-Learn something great
-Forget something stupid
-Be stupid
-Exercise on Monday
-Exercise on Tuesday
-Maybe stop exercising for 2 weeks
-OMG come back exercising
-Hug your parents
-Hug yourself
-Kiss your mirror
-Eat bananas
-Sit on the drying machine
-Write letters to famous people
-Drink wine
-Drink beer
-Watch bears
-Make a pizza
-Make a sweet thing
-Be a sweet thing
-Sleep well
-Don’t sleep
-Listen to music
-Touch music
-Touch yourself
-See yourselF
-Be strong
-Be new
-Be you
How about your list? Share with us how we can save the world by staying at home with zero dogs and a lot of food to eat in the fridge.
Meet me! Te!