it's a matter of taking the decision
Hello TrepCamp Community!
My name is Armando Martin, I'm from Guadalajara Mexico, I am a 20-year-old Industrial Design student and I don't have a fascinating story on how I started my entrepreneurial career at 10 years old like many of you have, but there are also many like me who caught attention to this world of entrepreneurship and we feel that we can do more than what we are doing and we want to improve ourselves to become successful.
As I got interested in becoming an entrepreneur I found TrepCamp, gave it a shot, and registered not knowing exactly what to expect, and to my surprise, I got a scholarship!! And started the program the Online Program 2 weeks ago. I don’t know what I thought the program would be like, but it definitely exceeded all my expectations.
HEY! During these past weeks in the program I’ve found out that success comes in many ways, for some, it may be to be a successful CEO or the one who found a way to bring clean water to forgotten places.
The objective is to develop ourselves looking for a way to share happiness and being the future generation of high impact entrepreneurs I think that TrepCamp helps us to focus our ideas, visions and methodologies to organize the bundle of messy ideas that we have in our heads to help give us guidance.
This is where we start to form our path and it can also be the meeting point where you discovered the ideal partner or future co-founder.
Today I’m building my dreams and want to encourage you all to start building yours. Think ahead and plan backward, what are the steps to need to follow to accomplish your goals? Identify them and take action today.
If you are reading this it is because you belong to the small percentage of the world that is seeking greater things for you and for the world.
And Hey! This is me with one of my designs.